Notable Projects
Since 1988, MEI has prepared over 10,000 Environmental Site Assessment & Transaction Screen Process Reports on commercial, industrial and multi-family properties for lending institutions in the tri-state area and throughout the nation. MEI has examined buildings that have ranged in size from 800 square feet to over 1.5 million square feet. Below is a highlighted list of properties that were examined in the past by MEI (clients are not listed for confidentiality purposes):

One Penn Plaza
1 Pennsylvania Plaza in New York, New York. The site is 2.95 acres in size and there are three (3) commercial buildings on the site. The main building (center of site), has fifty seven (57) floors and three subsurface levels. There are also two retail buildings to the east and west of the main building that have one floor and no basements. The three buildings occupy approximately 2,366,000 square feet of space. The main floor and lower levels of the main building contain a subsurface parking garage, approximately twenty seven (27) food and retail facilities (including three Starbucks stores, a K-Mart store, a TGI Friday’s restaurant, etc..), while the upper floors are utilized for office space. The easterly and westerly buildings contain eight (8) retail and food establishments (such as seven food related establishments and a UPS store).

The Flatiron Building
175 Fifth Avenue, New York. Twenty one (21) story office and retail building containing approximately 183,449 square feet of space. New York City Historical Landmark building.

Standard Oil Building
26 Broadway in New York, New York. A 1.05 acre site containing a twenty eight (28) story office building containing 685,000 square feet of prime office space. New York City Historical Landmark building.

Pennsylvania Hotel
Seventh Avenue, New York. Twenty Six (26) story hotel in the heart of New York City (approximately 1.5 million square feet in size). New York City Historical Landmark building.

Bamberger’s Former World Headquarters
Newark, New Jersey. Vacant sixteen (16) story commercial building approximately 1.25 million square feet in size.

Hygrade Metal Moulding
425 Smith Street, East Farmingdale. Single story industrial building approximately 25,000 square feet in size. Phase I ESA revealed that the site utilized large volumes of perchloroethylene in their window manufacturing processes. The Phase I lead to an extensive Phase II which revealed a contamination plume in excess of half a mile long emanating from the property, impacting several irrigation water supply wells at a nearby golf course. Site was placed on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), Inactive Hazardous Waste Site and has been under remediation via groundwater pump and treat and soil vapor extraction for the past seven years.
Villa Cleaners
1887-1899 Deer Park Avenue in Deer Park, New York. The site is .82 acres in size and contained two (2) commercial buildings on the site. One of the buildings contains a dry cleaner (Villa Cleaners). A review of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), Inactive Hazardous Waste Site List indicated that the Villa Cleaners site was designated as a Class II Hazardous Waste Site due to improper disposal of tetracholoroethene (PCE), in the on-site sanitary leaching pools. On-site groundwater has been found to be contaminated with PCE above New York State Drinking Water Standards and downgradient monitoring wells show that the plume of contamination associated with this site has migrated off-site.

Industrial Properties
MEI has examined over 1 million square feet of industrial buildings in the Hauppauge Industrial Area (Oser Avenue buildings, Commerce Drive buildings, Willets Path Buildings, etc..). This area is highly industrialized and contains ten hazardous waste sites. MEI has examined over 500,000 square feet of industrial buildings in the East Farmingdale Industrial Area (Smith Street buildings, Schmitt Boulevard buildings, etc..). This area is highly industrialized and contains twelve hazardous waste sites. MEI has examined over 500,000 square feet of industrial buildings in the Plainview Industrial Area (Skyline Drive buildings, Express Drive South buildings, etc..). This area is also highly industrialized and contains three hazardous waste sites. MEI has also examined over 750,000 square feet of industrial buildings in the Ronkonkoma Industrial area (Second Avenue buildings, Fifth Avenue buildings, etc.).

Multi-family Properties
MEI has examined over 25,000,000 square feet of multi-family buildings in the New York City Metropolitan area over the past 15 years. Some of the apartment buildings range from four apartment units to over 400 units. Phase I and Transaction Screen Process Report have been prepared through the metropolitan area on Multi-Family Properties.

Dry Cleaners/Medical and Dental Office Properties
MEI has examined over 100 present and former dry cleaners and medical offices in the metropolitan area. Contamination concerns from former dry cleaners and medical/dental offices have the potential to seriously devalue a property due to past improper chemical disposal of dry cleaning and photochemical wastes into on-site storm drains or on-site sanitary systems.

Gasoline Station/Automobile Repair Properties
MEI has examined over 200 present and former gasoline station and automobile repair facilities in the metropolitan area.

Former Williamsburg Savings Bank Tower
1 Hanson Place in Brooklyn, New York. A .48 acre site containing a forty one (41) story office building containing 287,513 square feet of office space which has converted into condominium units. New York City Historical Landmark building.

Former Williamsburg Savings Bank Building
175 Broadway, Brooklyn, New York. The site is a .30 acre site improved with one (1) four story building that is 33,000 square feet in size. Original bank building has been converted to a banquet hall and hotel. New York City Historical Landmark building.